Freedom 58 Project

Who We Are and Why We Use Art
to Fight Human Trafficking

Founded in 2009 by husband and wife Bob and Libby Swenson, Freedom 58 uses art in the form of painted portraits to celebrate the lives and stories of human trafficking survivors—recognizing their dignity, honor, and beauty—and to provide crucial education to illuminate the reality of modern-day slavery.


The art exhibit, “Faces of Freedom: Voices Calling for an End to Modern-Day Slavery,” consists of over 250 oil paintings that highlight survivors’ stories and the anti-trafficking organizations that are supporting these survivors and creating movements to end slavery in our lifetime.


Since its founding, Freedom 58 has recognized the need to mobilize the larger community to action in the fight to end modern-day slavery around the world. It has since expanded to travel to communities across the nation, visiting schools, universities, libraries, churches, galleries, hospitals, and other civic venues.

Meet Bob Swenson

Our President and Co-Founder

Robert Charles Swenson is the President and Co-Founder of the Freedom 58 Project. A graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, in Marketing, Bob's journey is a testament to his resilience and determination. Bob's sports career began as an accomplished college football player to becoming an All-Pro NFL linebacker for the Denver Broncos' famed Orange Crush. He transitioned to real estate and now works as a land developer, serving cities and bringing beauty to communities.

With a passion for leadership training, Bob has played significant roles in advocacy and mentorship. He started and led the Point Man and Ambassador Ministry for Promise Keepers, building a network of 18,000 advocates focused on men's leadership, character, and integrity.

As a co-founder of the Freedom 58 Project, Bob's dedication to addressing the plight of the 50 million people trapped in modern-day slavery is unwavering. His commitment extends beyond advocacy, as he launched the Faces of Freedom art exhibit to amplify voices advocating for an end to this injustice. Bob's belief in the interconnection between healing, thriving, and supporting the vulnerable and oppressed is a beacon of hope in the fight against human trafficking.

Bob Swenson

“We believe that the greater the joy, the greater the capacity to work in the broken, dark places of the world.”

Bob Swenson

President and Co-Founder, Freedom 58 Project


Meet Libby Swenson

Our Executive Director and Co-Founder

Born and raised in Northwest Arkansas, Libby Crafton Swenson brings over 30 years of experience in public speaking, leadership, team building, and organizational strategy. She holds a BA in Health Sciences and Education from the University of Arkansas and is passionate about helping the next generation create a better and more just world. Libby has worked in over 15 countries, leading multiple teams overseas on various projects and collaborating with local organizations.

Libby's passion for innovative fundraising is a driving force in the fight against human trafficking. Her creative initiatives, including fly fishing events, triathlons, and art exhibits, not only raise awareness about modern-day slavery but also generate essential funds to bolster the anti-trafficking movement. Her dedication and ingenuity inspire all who strive to make a difference.

Libby Swenson

Schedule a Video Call with Libby


From donors to event sponsors to nonprofit partnerships, Freedom 58 thrives on impactful relationships in the fight to end human trafficking.



Liz Swanson

Boulder, Colorado

Elizabeth A. Swanson brings extensive experience and expertise to her communication, mental health, and leadership development roles. With a Master's degree in Communication Studies from the University of Northern Colorado and a Bachelor's degree from California State University Long Beach, she profoundly understands human interaction and relationships. As a Chaplain for the Boulder Police Department, Liz provides crucial support to officers and community members. She also serves as a Mental Health Guide for the Forte Mental Health Platform, passionately empowering individuals through active listening and personalized wellness coaching.

As Director of Family and Relationship Research at Tango Investment Company in Boulder, Colorado, Liz conducted extensive interviews with leaders and experts, exploring the factors contributing to successful relationships. She facilitated learning groups and collected personal stories to deepen understanding. Previously, Liz's leadership was instrumental in addressing addiction recovery as a Leadership Community Director at Leadership Network in Dallas, Texas. Her responsibilities included bringing together church leaders to tackle this societal issue and organizing the National Recovery Conference.

Liz's impact as Director of Ministry for CRU at the University of Colorado Boulder underscores her ability to make a lasting difference in students' spiritual and personal development. Her passion for communication and education is evident in her experience as an Instructor of Speech Communication at Colorado State University and Front Range Community College. With her diverse background and unwavering commitment, Liz continues to empower others and make a difference in the lives of those she serves.


Mark Pollard


Dr. Mark Pollard is a steadfast advocate for leadership, faith, and justice, committed to nurturing excellence across all domains. As Co-Chair of Just Renewal, he steers leaders and institutions towards embracing justice and wisdom. His co-founding of the National Common Ground Coalition underscores his dedication to societal transformation.

Mark's commitment to public justice is exemplified by his pivotal role alongside Dr. Joseph Lowery in a billion-dollar federal litigation case, supporting mistreated American Black Farmers. Advocating tirelessly for equity and reconciliation, he champions government reform and secures formal Congressional apologies for historical injustices.

His impact spans economic empowerment, facilitating funding for initiatives led by people of color, and providing consulting services to diverse organizations. Notable grant-making endeavors, including support for churches burned down by hate crimes, showcase his dedication to meaningful causes. With a global perspective, Mark collaborates with leaders worldwide to empower marginalized and indigenous communities.


Janelle Zander, Board Chair

Bellingham, Washington

Janelle Zander is a seasoned strategic marketer with nearly 20 years of expertise in crafting impactful marketing campaigns and driving significant returns on investment. Holding a Bachelor of Science from Oral Roberts University, Janelle has demonstrated proficiency in various marketing disciplines, including branding, SEO, and data analysis, with specialized skills in HubSpot.

As the former Vice President of Marketing at Love Justice International, she and her team spearheaded a strategic overhaul that enhanced the organization's brand identity through integrated marketing strategies. Her leadership significantly boosted online brand presence, achieving results that consistently surpassed industry benchmarks.

Earlier, Janelle founded and operated Hydration Media, a Gold-certified HubSpot partner agency, where she excelled in client management, creative direction, and campaign execution. Her visionary approach and commitment to data-driven results helped clients navigate complex marketing challenges, enhancing customer satisfaction and engagement.

Her passion for justice to see an end to human trafficking and modern-day slavery coupled with her skills in team building, talent identification, and client relations have made her a pivotal figure in the nonprofit marketing community.


Lauren Davenport


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Brien Rose

Summit County, Colorado

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Bob Swenson

Denver, Colorado

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Our Signature Events

Discover our captivating signature events crafted to ignite inspiration and engagement. From exclusive private artist dinners celebrating creativity and conversation, to the moving Faces of Freedom art exhibit showcasing poignant expressions of trafficking survivors, our experiences are truly unforgettable. 

Embark on international trips to explore justice and social impact in the field, or join us for Justice on the Blue—a fly fishing event highlighting the work of Freedom 58 in addressing the global crisis of human trafficking and slavery.

Though our events currently thrive in Colorado, we are eager to bring these transformative experiences to your community. Schedule a call with Libby to discuss how we can collaborate and expand our meaningful events to your area. Let’s ignite inspiration together!

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